The \in relation: we do not define this symbol, or a set, but rather the associated axioms, telling how they should be used, and then definition is done in terms of these.

There are four axioms regarding existence and the empty set, four regarding constructing new sets, and the axiom of foundation.

The \in relation allows us to define:

xy: ¬(xy)x \notin y :\iff \neg (x \in y).

xy: a:(ax ay)x \subseteq y :\iff \forall a : ( a \in x \implies a \in y).

x=y: (xy)(yx)x = y :\iff (x \subseteq y) \land (y \subseteq x).

xy: (xy)x=y)x \subset y :\iff (x \subseteq y) \land \not(x = y).

Zermelo-Fraenkel Axioms

\in relation axiom: xyx \in y is a proposition iff xx and yy are sets.

Symbolically: x:y:(xy)¬(xy)\forall x : \forall y : (x \in y) \veebar \neg(x \in y).

Russel's Paradox

Suppose a set UU, with the property x:(xx xu)\forall x: (x \notin x \iff x \in u).

UU contains all sets which do not contain themselves, and we want to know if UU is a set as well. We then consider UUU \in U, which is a proposition, if UU is a set.

If UUU \in U is true, then ¬(UU)\neg (U \in U) is true as well, meaning that UU is not an element of itself, leading us to the contradiction uu ¬(uu)u \in u \implies \neg(u \in u), which indiciates UUU \in U is not a proposition.

However if UUU \notin U, then we have a contradiction in the other direction, which is uu ¬(uu)u \notin u \implies \neg(u \notin u).

This means UUU \in U is not a proposition, as it is neither true, nor false, implying that in fact, UU is not a set.

Empty Set Existence Axiom

CC BY-SA 4.0 Septimia Zenobia. Last modified: July 17, 2023. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.