There are twelve properties of numbers to be discussed, the first nine of which concern addition and multiplication.

Addition is the operation performed on two numbers, with the sum a+ba + b existing for any a,ba, b.

It may seem straightforward to extend this operation to multiple numbers, i.e: a1+a2++ana_1 + a_2 + \ldots + a_n, but it is more expedient to restrict it to pairs of numbers, and define higher sums in terms of these.

For the sum of three numbers, as opposed to doing a+b+ca + b + c, we can do a+(b+c)a + (b + c), with b+cb + c, taking the role of the original bb. It is also possible to take (a+b)+c(a + b) + c, with a+ba + b taking the role of the original a.

This is P1P1: a+(b+c)=(a+b)+ca+ (b + c) = (a + b) + c.

Four numbers a+b+c+da + b + c + d, can be grouped in multiple ways, all of which are equal:

  • ((a+b)+c)+d((a + b) + c) + d

  • (a+(b+c))+d(a + ( b + c)) + d

  • a+((b+c)+d)a +(( b + c) + d)

  • (a+b)+(c+d)(a + b) + (c + d)

This method becomes unwieldy with 5 or more numbers, and with P1P1, we can't prove the equality of all of the possible sums of a finite list of numbers a1ana_1\ldots a_n .

The number 00 has an important property, which is P2:P2:

If aa is any number a+0=0+a=aa + 0 = 0 + a = a.

Zero also plays an important role in P3:P3:

For any aa, there exists a-a such that a+(a)=(a)+a=0a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0.

Property two presents a notable characteristic of zero, which is if a+x=a,a + x = a, then x=0x = 0, which holds for all numbers a.


If a+x=aa + x = a

then (a)+a+x=a+(a)=0(-a) + a + x = a + (-a) = 0

hence ((a)+a)+x=0((-a) + a) + x = 0

hence 0+x=00 + x = 0

hence x=0 x = 0\;\;\; \blacksquare.

It's hinted in the above proof that it's convenient to think about subtraction in terms of addition.

We consider aba - b to be equivalent to a+(b)a + (-b).

The remaining property of addition is related to P1P1,which is that in the case of a+(b+c)a + (b + c), the order is irrelevant:

P4:a+b=b+aP4:a + b = b + a

This is necessary because it is possible to consider that the order of the pairs of elements in addition may effect the end result, and while it doesn't, not all operations are so easily dealt with, for instance, the behavior of P4P4 does not hold for subtraction.

Furthermore, while we might consider when ab=baa - b = b - a, P1P4 P1-P4\;are not sufficient to prove the case.

The properties of multiplication are very much similar to those of addition, so much so that most of what changes is the operation mentioned in the properties.

P5:a(bc)=(ab)cP5: a \cdot (b \cdot c) = (a \cdot b) \cdot c.

P6:a1=aa=a,10P6: a \cdot 1 = a \cdot a = a, 1 \neq 0.

P7:aa1=a1a=1P7: a \cdot a^{-1} = a^{-1} \cdot a = 1.

P8:ab=baP8: a \cdot b = b \cdot a.

One important detail to note is the fact that a0 in P7a \neq 0\; \text{in}\; P7, which is necessary, as 0b=00 \cdot b = 0, for every b, there is no number 010^{-1} such that 001=10 \cdot 0^{-1} = 1.

Just as subtraction is predicated on addition, division is predicated on multiplication: a/b=ab1a / b = a \cdot b^{-1}, and since 010^{-1} is meaningless, so is a/0a/0, which is why we don't divide by zero.

P7P7 has some important consequences, which are that if ab=aca \cdot b = a \cdot c, it may not be true that b=c b = c, as if a=0a = 0, then it turns out that ab,ac=0a \cdot b, a \cdot c = 0, regardless of the value of b,cb,c.

However, should a=0a = 0, then the fact that b=cb = c, can be easily deduced:

If ab=ac,a0a \cdot b = a \cdot c, a \neq 0

then a1(ab)=a1(ac)a^{-1} \cdot (a \cdot b ) = a^{-1} \cdot (a \cdot c)

hence (a1a)b=(a1a)c(a^{-1} \cdot a) \cdot b = (a^{-1} \cdot a) \cdot c

hence 1b=1c1 \cdot b = 1 \cdot c

hence b=c b = c\;\;\; \blacksquare.

Additionally, due to P7P7, it's true that if ab=0a \cdot b = 0, then a=0 or b=0a = 0\; \text{or}\; b = 0:

If ab=0,a0a \cdot b = 0, a \neq 0

then a1(ab)=0a^{-1} \cdot (a \cdot b) = 0

hence (a1a)b=0(a^{-1} \cdot a) \cdot b = 0

hence 1b=01 \cdot b = 0

hence b=0 b = 0\;\;\; \blacksquare.

It is possible that both a,b=0a,b = 0, due to mathematics use of the inclusive or.

This latter consequence of P7P7 is often used in the solution of equations, for instance, if some number xx satisfies (x1)(x2)=0(x - 1)(x - 2) = 0, that x1=0x - 1 = 0, or x2=0x - 2 = 0, meaning x=1 or x=2x = 1\; \text{or}\; x = 2.

With the 8 properties covered so far, not much can be proved, however the this will change greatly by way of P9P9: a(b+c)=ab+aca \cdot ( b + c) = a \cdot b + a \cdot c

Note that via P8P8:(b+c)a=ba+ca(b + c) \cdot a = b \cdot a + c \cdot a

With P9P9 we have the ability to prove when ab=baa - b = b - a:

If ab=baa - b = b - a

then (ab)+b=(ba)+b=b+(ba) (a - b) + b = (b - a) + b \\= b + (b - a)

hence a=b+baa = b + b - a

hence a+a=(b+ba)=b+ba + a = (b+b-a) = b+b

Consequently a(1+1)=b(1+1)a \cdot (1+1) = b \cdot (1 + 1)

Therefore a=b a = b\;\;\; \blacksquare.

A second use of P9P9 is as justification of the statement a0=aa \cdot 0 = a, which is exampled in the proof of the consequence of P9P9, that if ab=0a \cdot b = 0, ab=0a \lor b = 0.

Additionally, P9P9, and it's consequences serve to express why the product of two negative numbers is positive, and this fact follows from the prior properties of numbers.

The remaining properties to be discussed govern inequalities.

There are two notions of inequality: a>b,a<b\\ a\gt b, a \lt b, with the numbers satisfying a>0 a \gt 0 being positive, and the numbers satisfying a<0 a \lt 0 being negative.

P10:P10: For every number a, only one of the following holds.

a=0 a = 0.

aPa \in P.

aP-a \in P.

P11P11: If a,bPa, b \in P, then a+bP a + b \in P

P12:P12: If a,bPa,b \in P, then abPa \cdot b \in P.

  • These properties are complemented with the following definitions:

    • a>ba\gt b if abP a -b \in P

    • a<ba \lt b if b>a b \gt a

    • aba \geq b if (a>b)(a=b) (a \gt b) \lor (a = b)

    • aba \leq b if (a<b)(a=b) (a \lt b) \lor (a = b)

The facts of inequalities follow from properties P10P12P10-P12, for instance, precisely one of the following holds:

  • ab=0a-b=0

  • abPa-b \in P

  • (ab)=baP-(a-b)=b-a \in P

Another interesting fact shows up, which is that since a<ba \lt b requires baP b-a \in P, then (b+c)(a+c)P(b+c) - (a+c) \in P, meaning if a<ba \lt b, (a+c)<(b+c)(a + c) \lt (b + c). Also, given that a<b,b<ca \lt b, b \lt c, then it follows that:

baPb - a \in P.

cbPc - b \in P

ca=(cb)+(ba)Pc - a = (c - b) + (b - a) \in P.

From this we observe that a<b,b<ca \lt b, b \lt c indicates a<ca \lt c.

Additionally, if a<0,b<0a \lt 0, b \lt 0, that means ab>0ab > 0, since a<0 0>aa \lt 0 \iff 0 \gt a, which means 0a=aP0 - a = -a \in P, and since the same holds for bb, partially as a consequence of P12\mathcal{P}12 (if a,bP,abPa, b \in P, ab \in P), (a)(b)=abP(-a)(-b) = ab \in P.

From the fact that a>0-a \gt 0 if a<0a \lt 0, we can define the absolute value function:

a=a, if a0,a, if a0|a| = a,\; \text{if}\;a \geq 0, -a,\; \text{if} \;a \leq 0.

Now we can prove a fact about absolute values.

Theorem 1:

We have, for all a,ba ,b, that a+ba+b|a+b| \leq |a| + |b|.


This proof will be laid out casewise, i.e, we prove this holds for:

(1): a0,b0a \geq 0, b \geq 0. (2): a0,b0a \geq 0, b \leq 0. (3): a0,b0a \leq 0, b \geq 0. (4): a0,b0a \leq 0, b \geq 0.

For case (1), we have a+b0a + b \geq 0, which is obvious, as:

  • a+b=a+b=a+b|a + b| = a + b = |a| + |b|.

For case (2), where a0,b0a \geq 0, b \leq 0, we have to prove that a+bab|a + b| \leq a -b.

We can divide it into the following subcases:

  • a+b0a + b \geq 0, which requires a+bab bba + b \leq a -b \implies b \leq -b.

This holds true, as b0b \leq 0, which means b0-b \geq 0.

  • a+b0a + b \leq 0, which requires abab-a - b \leq a - b.

This holds true, as a0a \geq 0, which means b0-b \leq 0.

For case (3), we simply take aa and bb, and swap them in case (2).

For case (4), we see a+b0a + b \leq 0, and see that equality holds:

  • a+b=(a+b)=a+(b)=a+b|a + b| =\\ -(a + b) =\\ -a + (-b) =\\ |a| + |b|.

Overall, equality will hold if a,b,P, or ifa,bPa, b, \in P,\; \text{or if} -a, -b \in P, or if one is 00, while inequality will hold if they're of opposite sign.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Septimia Zenobia. Last modified: July 17, 2023. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.